About Us
Your Child Is in Great Hands

Founded in 1994, Guardian Angel Preschool & Childcare wanted to be more than just "daycare" for our local families. Our center incorporates many curriculums into our daily lesson plans.
We use "Learning without Tears" as our handwriting and letter recognition curriculum. We also use Second Step and Al's Pals for our character development. Bible time is a favorite time each day and we use Abeka for this curriculum.
Beyond Centers and Circle Time is a play based approach we incorporate that has be used successfully with both typically and atypically developing children.
Beyond Cribs and Rattles is a curriculum that creates intentional developmentally appropriate play experiences for toddlers and two year olds.
Health & Safety
The world is changing, and the safety of your children at Guardian Angel Preschool and Childcare is more important than ever. The following policies have been implemented to give you peace of mind:
1. Children and students may only be picked up from school and childcare by the person or people the parent assigns in writing. PERIOD.
2. Only parents, guardians, students, and staff have access to the center through our secured entrance.
3. Currently at drop off time, only the students may enter the facility while being dropped off by parents or guardians.
Positive Reinforcement will always be stressed. If, and when, discipline is necessary, it will always be done with dignity and love. If a child misbehaves, the child will first be given a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, the time-out method will be used. No child will ever be subject to discipline which is severe, humiliating, or frightening. A child will not be denied active play as a consequence of misbehavior.
Guardian Angel Preschool will follow the Health Department Guidelines regarding communicable diseases. If your child has a fever, is vomiting, or has diarrhea, you will be expected to pick him or her up. The child must remain at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours.

Many parents inquire about the "Christian" aspect of our center. It's more than just saying a prayer before meals! It's embodied in everything we do. For example, if a child asks why a spider has a web, we would reply that "God created the spider to do that job and we should respect God's creatures." We will also take the time to pray with a child about something that is upsetting them. We want each child to understand that God loves them and they have a purpose.